Aleksandar Anđelović, BA MA MPhil

Aleksandar Andjelovic

Aleksandar Andjelovic, MA MA

Maria-Theresien-Straße 9
1090 Wien
Room: 1.04

T: +43-1-4277-40862

 u:find - Information about

Curriculum Vitae


  • Curriculum Vitae

    2021 MA (Late-antique and Medieval Studies), Central European University

    2018 MPhil (Byzantine philology), University of Belgrade

    2016 BA (Classics), University of Belgrade



  • Research interests

    Greek and Latin philology

    Social and cultural history of Late Antiquity and Byzantium

    Late antique and Byzantine literary culture


Showing entries 1 - 6 out of 6
Evagrius of Antioch. / Andjelovic, Aleksandar.
Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity. Vol. 3 Div-Isi. ed. Leiden: Brill, 2024. p. 253-257.

Publications: Contribution to bookEntry for reference workPeer Reviewed

Philosopher between Emperor and Patriarch: Michael Psellos’ Polemical Letter to the Patriarch Keroullarios. / Andjelovic, Aleksandar.
The Soul’s Communion with God in Western and Byzantine Christianity. Bucharest: University of Bucharest, 2024. p. 153-184 (Mediaevalia).

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed

Re-Evaluating the Eleventh Century through Linked Events and Entities. / Andrews, Tara; Rózsa, Márton; Prajda, Katalin et al.
In: Historical Studies on Central Europe , Vol. 4, No. 1, 2024, p. 217–245.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Contrastive Linguistic and Cultural Backgrounds of the Two Latin Translators of the Life of Antony. / Andjelovic, Aleksandar; Geréby, György .
In: Clotho, Vol. 3, No. 2, 24.12.2021, p. 5-28.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Characteristics and Physical Descriptions of Trojan Heroes in John Malalas' Chronographia. / Andjelovic, Aleksandar.
Proceedings of the 3rd Regional Student Conference GLAS 2017. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, 2018. p. 9-16.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedingsPeer Reviewed

Showing entries 1 - 6 out of 6


Showing entries 6 - 10 out of 10

Riots, Earthquakes, Emperor, Savior, Ideal Order: Romanos the Melodist’s On Earthquakes and Fires

Aleksandar Andjelovic
24th Oxford University Byzantine Society International Graduate Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2022 - 27.2.2022

RELEVEN - poster session

Aleksandar Andjelovic
Linked Pasts 7
Conference, Poster presentation
14.12.2021 - 14.12.2021

Fertile Desert: Inspirational Writings by and for Early Christian Monks

Aleksandar Andjelovic
5th Regional Conference for Students of Classics GLAS (Graecae Latinaeque Antiquitatis Studentes)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
12.5.2019 - 12.5.2019

Toponyms, Crafts, Characteristics: The Origins of Byzantine Family Names

Aleksandar Andjelovic
4th Regional Conference for Students of Classics GLAS (Graecae Latinaeque Antiquitatis Studentes)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
21.7.2018 - 21.7.2018

Characteristics and Physical Descriptions of Trojan Heroes in John Malalas’ Chronographia

Aleksandar Andjelovic
3rd Regional Conference for Students of Classics GLAS (Graecae Latinaeque Antiquitatis Studentes)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
14.7.2017 - 16.7.2017

Showing entries 6 - 10 out of 10