Public Impact


Historians Andreas Zajic and Christina Lutter depict the micromanagement of a monarch in derStandard guest blog.


The new ORF-III-Historical Doku Series "Österreich – Die ganze Geschichte" tells in 40 episodes the history of the country from its beginnings up to the present day.

(Language: German)


[trl.: Even Kleopatra could have used the 'Speik' as beauty plant.]

An Artikel of Susanne Strnadl in "Der Standard," September 9th 2023

(Language: German)


Christina Lutter: "Ich, Helene Kottannerin" (wbg Wissen-Podcast, March 29th 2023)

A talk with historians Julia Burkhardt, Christina Lutter and Bernd Schneidmüller on the fascinating memoirs of Helene Kottanerin from around 1450.

(Language: German)


[trl.: The chambermaid who stole the Hungarian Crown]

An Article of Günther Haller

(Language: German)


In the Ö1 broadcast series "Betrifft: Geschichte" from April 3rd to April 7th 2023, Dean Christina Lutter talks about the chambermaid of Queen Elisabeth of Luxemburg and thief of the Hungarian crown: Helene Kottannerin.

(Language: German)