

Reading Group Transnational, International, Global History

Everyone with interest in peer exchange in this sphere is warmly welcomed


Lectures at GAM, 27. April 2020, 18.30 – 20.00; HS 30

Stephan Boll (München): „Prachtvolle, bis an das Wunderbare grenzende Dinge“. Die Münchner Fürstenhochzeit von 1568


Sebastian Felten, Money in the Dutch Republic. Everyday Practice and Circuits of Exchange. Cambridge, New York 2022


Elisabeth Roehrlich, Inspectors for Peace. A History of the International Atomic Energy Agency Baltimore 2022 (Johns Hopkins Nuclear History and...


Mitchell G. Ash "Die Grenzen von "Soft Power" oder: Wie viele Divisionen hat das Völkerrecht?"

A Guest Commentary in "der Falter" about the invasion of Ukraine

Mitchell Ash is Professor Emeritus for Modern History at the University of Vienna


Lectures at GAM, 6. April 2020, 18.30 – 20.00; HS 30

Irene Messinger (Wien): „Freiwilligkeit“ und Zwang bei den Pensionierungen von Fürsorgerinnen an Wiener Jugendämtern 1938 – Recherchestrategien und...