Mag. Mag. Dr. Verena Halsmayer

Mag. Mag. Dr. Verena Halsmayer

Universitätsring 1
1010 Wien

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Curriculum Vitae

to be found on u:cris, the Research Information System of the University Vienna:

Studies of history and economics, University of Vienna (stays abroad: Universitat Autónoma Barcelona, Københavns Universitet). 2016 PhD in history as part of the program “The sciences in philosophical, historical, and cultural contexts,” University of Vienna (dissertation: Modeling, Measuring, and Designing Economic Growth: The Neoclassical Growth Model as a Historical Artifact, 1930s–1960s.

Several research fellowships, for instance at the Centre for the Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences (London School of Economics, September - December 2013) and the Center for the History of Political Economy (Duke University, August - December 2012). April 2016 - September 2024 senior research scholar and lecturer at the Chair for Science Studies, University of Lucerne; September 2020 - July 2022 Swiss National Science Foundation research fellow (Postdoc.mobility).

Since October 2024 Postdoc research scholar and lecturer at the Department of History, University of Vienna.


to be found on u:cris, the Research Information System of the University Vienna:


Research Interests

  • history of economic knowledge
  • the history of modeling and measuring in the social sciences
  • historical and political epistemologies
  • theories and practices of planning in the long 20th century
  • tools and procedures of administering, managing, and organizing
  • everyday economic reasoning


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