Paula Lange, B.A. M.A.

Paula Lange

Paula Lange, B.A. M.A.

Universitätsring 1
1010 Wien
Room: ZG1O2.23

T: +43-1-4277-40868

 u:find - Information about

Curriculum Vitae


  • Curriculum Vitae
    • since 01/2024 Doctoral university assistent (prae-doc) at the Department of History, Modern History / Women’s and Gender History
    • since 01/2022 PhD candidate at University of Vienna
    • 2022-2024 recipient of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s scholarship for doctoral studies
    • 2019-2021 scientific traineeship at archive of FHXB Museum in Berlin
    • 2016-2019 Master of Arts, Public History, Freie Universität Berlin
    • 2012-2015 Bachelor of Arts, History and East European Studies, University of Hamburg



  • Research interests
    • Women’s and Gender History of the 20th Century
    • History of transnational Women’s Movements
    • German-Polish History
    • Memory Politics
    • Postcolonial Studies
    • Biography Research
  • Projects
    • PhD-Project: Un/political Women's Movements? German, Polish and Jewish Women's Associations between Charity and Women's Suffrage in the Prussian Partition and the Second Polish Republic 1900-1930 (Working Title)

      Supervised by Prof. Claudia Kraft and Prof. Johanna Gehmacher
  • Event Organization


Showing entries 1 - 8 out of 8
Tony Breitscheid. Lange, Paula (Author). 2024.

Publications: Electronic/multimedia outputWeb publication

1854 – Marcellino fordert vor einem Gericht in Kreuzberg seine Freiheit. / Lange, Paula; Zollhauser, Stefan.
Die postkoloniale Stadt lesen: Historische Erkundungen in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. ed. / Natalie Bayer; Mark Terkessidis. 1. ed. Berlin: Verbrecher-Verl., 2022. p. 53-60.

Publications: Contribution to bookChapter

Koloniale Verstrickungen: Neue Sichtweisen auf die Kolonialgeschichte Friedrichshain-Kreuzbergs. / Lange, Paula (Subeditor).
20 p. Berlin: Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum. 2021.

Publications: Other publicationBrochure

Marginalisierung trotz Repräsentation: Nationale Narrative zur Lebensgeschichte der Anna Walentynowicz. Lange, Paula (Author). 2020. zeitgeschichte|online.

Publications: Electronic/multimedia outputWeb publication

„Ist gesichert, dass sich Frau Meinhof künftig in ihrer Lehrtätigkeit verfassungskonform verhalten wird?“: Ulrike Meinhofs Lehrauftrag am Institut für Publizistik. / Lange, Paula.
Regierungszeit des Mittelbaus?: Annäherungen an die Berliner Publizistikwissenschaft nach der Studentenbewegung. ed. / Niklas Venema; Maria Löblich. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2020. p. 378-395 (Theorie und Geschichte der Kommunikationswissenschaft, Vol. 15).

Publications: Contribution to bookChapter

Showing entries 1 - 8 out of 8

Lectures and Activities

Showing entries 1 - 2 out of 2

Revolution und Geschlecht

Natascha Bobrowsky , Paula Lange , Johanna Gehmacher , Michaela Neuwirth , Theresa Adamski
Revolution und Geschlecht
Other, Organisation of ...
17.6.2024 - 17.6.2024

Vortrag Zsófia Lóránd: Do We Care What Women Think? Women’s Political Thought and Feminist Methodologies in East Central Europe

Gabriella Hauch , Johanna Gehmacher , Lisa Kirchner , Hannah Paula Lange , Michaela Neuwirth
Vortrag Zsófia Lóránd: Do We Care What Women Think? Women’s Political Thought and Feminist Methodologies in East Central Europe
Other, Organisation of ...
5.6.2023 - 5.6.2023

Showing entries 1 - 2 out of 2