Showing entries 101 - 120 out of 222
Swami, V., Tran, U. S., Thorn, L., Nader, I., von Nordheim, L., Pietschnig, J., Stieger, S., Husbands, D., & Voracek, M. (2014). Are the scope and nature of psychology properly understood? An examination of beliefs in myths of popular psychology among university students. In N. Columbus (Ed.), Advances in psychology research (Vol. 101, pp. 9-32). Nova Science Publishers.

Ghosh, A., & Pietschnig, J. (2014). Superstitious beliefs: A cultural comparison of African, Asian, and Western participants. Paper presented at 22nd International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Reims, France.

Shrivastava, A., & Pietschnig, J. (2014). Is laughter really the best medicine? Associations of humor styles with psychological well-being and stress coping strategies in the United Arab Emirates. Paper presented at 11. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP), Wien, Austria.

Ghosh, A., & Pietschnig, J. (2014). Culture-specific differences in superstitious beliefs: Evidence from African, Asian, and Western samples. Paper presented at Second National Conference of Applied Psychological Research in UAE, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Pietschnig, J., & Adlmann, E. M. (2014). Keep your hands busy! Nail biting and smoking as adaptive mechanisms of stress coping. Paper presented at Second National Conference of Applied Psychological Research in UAE, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

C., L., Tran, U. S., Pietschnig, J., Stieger, S., & Voracek, M. (2014). Die Replizierbarkeits- und Vertrauenskrise in der psychologischen Forschung: Systematischer Überblick und Update 2014. Paper presented at 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bochum, Germany.

Voracek, M., C., L., Pietschnig, J., Stieger, S., & Tran, U. S. (2014). Ein 2014-Update und systematischer Überblick zur Replizierbarkeits- und Vertrauenskrise in der psychologischen Forschung. Paper presented at 11. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP), Wien, Austria.

Pietschnig, J., & Voracek, M. (2014). 105 years of IQ gains and counting? A meta-analysis of the Flynn effect (1909-2013). Paper presented at 15th Annual Conference of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR), , Graz, Austria.

Shrivastava, A., & Pietschnig, J. (2013). Components of stigma and help seeking behavior: A cross-cultural study.. Paper presented at Second International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Gittler, G., & Milatz, A. (2013). Auswirkungen des Tomatis–Hörtrainings auf das räumliche Vorstellungsvermögen: IRT-basierte Veränderungsgmessung. Paper presented at 12. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik (DPPD), Greifswald, Germany.

Debelak, R., Sommer, M., Arendasy, M., Hornke, L., & Gittler, G. (2013). Evaluierung einer Testbatterie für kognitives Screening im Rahmen der Personalauswahl. Paper presented at 12. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik (DPPD), Greifswald, Germany.

Milatz, A., Kappler, G., & Gittler, G. (2013). Zur Ausdifferenzierung der RIASEC-Interessensdimensionen im STUDIEN-NAVI. Paper presented at 12. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik (DPPD), Greifswald, Germany.

Pietschnig, J., Nader, I., & Gittler, G. (2013). It’s the hormones fault! Impaired spatial task performance after pheromone exposure in healthy young men. Paper presented at First National Conference of Applied Psychological Research in UAE, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Showing entries 101 - 120 out of 222