“Ars Electronica,” Linz, opening talk at the symposium (ERROR - The Art of Imperfection), “Avoidable Delay. Measuring Error in Practices,” together with Andreas Wolfsteiner, 7.9.2018.

Anna Maria Echterhölter, Andreas Wolfsteiner

Errors are imperfections, deviations from the norm, not conscious failures or mistakes. Imperfection is an important creative and poetic force that also fosters social and technical innovation. In our longing to manage the imperfections of ourselves and our surroundings we invented all kinds of mind and body extensions. To expand our reach our ancestors thought of complicated steering mechanisms for seafaring, optic devices helped us study our solar system, and soon privatized space travel aims to colonize other planets to ensure humanity’s survival. We have learned to include errors in our thinking to make substantial progress in social innovation as well as technical and industrial developments. Still, humanity remains a fragile construct.

Department of History, Department of Theatre, Film and Media Studies
Publication date
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
601008 Science of history
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