Academic Staff
- Theresa Adamski
Collection of Women’s Personal Papers - Tara Andrews
Digital Humanities - Thomas Angerer
Modern History - Birgitta Bader-Zaar
Modern History - Elena Bacchin
Modern History - Zsuzsa Barbarics-Hermanik
Austrian History - Julia Bavouzet (Office IÖG)
Austrian History - Peter Becker (Office IÖG)
Austrian History - Raphael Besenbäck
Digital Humanities - Natascha Bobrowsky
Women’s and Gender History, Austrian history in the 19. and 20. Century, Legal History, History of Sexualities - Philippe Buc (Office IÖG)
Medieval History, Auxiliary Sciences - Zozan Cetin
- Liam Downs-Tepper
Digital Humanities - Anna Echterhölter
History of Science, Global History, Modern History - Julian Ecker (Office IÖG)
Medieval History, Auxiliary Sciences - Friedrich Edelmayer
Modern History - Christoph Egger (Office IÖG)
Medieval History, European History, Auxiliary Sciences - Sebastian Felten
Modern History, History of Science - Martina Fuchs
Modern History, History of the Holy Roman Empire, History of the Reformation - Clemens Gantner (Office IÖG)
Communication, Migration, Cultural Contact and Cultural Exchange in the Early Medieval Mediterranean Region, Early Medieval Italy, Early Medieval Papacy - Li Gerhalter
Women's and Gender History, Life Writing, Collection of Women's Personals Papers - John Giebfried
Digital Humanities - Andrea Griesebner
Early Modern and Modern History, Europe, Feminist History - Nils Güttler
History of Science - Verena Halsmayer
- Chiara-Marie Hauser
Early Modern Violence Research, History of Scandinavia, Arctic Humanities, Gender History - Thomas Hellmuth
Didactics - Laura Lee Honsig
History of Science - Alexandra Kaar (Office IÖG)
Austrian History - Martina Kaller
Modern History - Christian Lackner (Office IÖG)
Medieval History, Auxiliary Sciences - Paula Lange
Women’s and Gender History of the 20th Century, History of transnational Women’s Movements, German-Polish History, Memory Politics, Postcolonial Studies, Biography Research - Kristina Langeder-Höll
Didactics of History and Politics, peace education, critical education, Global Citizenship Education - Christina Lutter (Office IÖG)
Austrian History - Jonathan Lyon (Office IÖG)
Medieval History - Elisabetta Magnanti
Digital Humanities - Judit Majorossy (Office IÖG)
History of Medieval Cities, Late Medieval Social History of Hungary - Herman Gerrit Makkink
Digital Humanities - Georg Marschnig
Didactics of History and Politics - Tim Neu
Early Modern History, Modern History - Dorothea Nolde
Modern History, Early Modern History - Alexander Preisinger
Didactics - Elisabeth Röhrlich
Modern History, International History - Martin Scheutz (Office IÖG)
Modern History - Julia Schulte-Werning
Global history - Carina Siegl (Office IÖG)
Austrian History - Alexander Silaen
History of Science - Anton Tantner
Modern History, cultural technique of numbering, societes of control/surveillance studies, history of sanddunes & the peripheral - Bernhard Trautwein
Didactics of History and Political Education, Migration and Migrant History in Austria and France - Mária Vargha
Digital Humanities - Stefan Zahlmann
Theory and History of Media Cultures (18th - 20th centuries)